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Beat The T.I. Program Using A Simple Rule

Added on December 1st 2023

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For those of you who know about the Targeted Individuals program, or who are currently living through it. It can be destabilizing, degrading, immensely frustrating, and even potentially life threatening. 

I want to help people make the decisions that can improve thier lives, and be the person they want to be.

There is so much disinfo out there on the subject and I'm not here to expain much. It is largely unknown to the public now, but soon there will be more and more need for people like me to come forward and share what we know to help the rest of us manage.

I have developed a method that I'm willing to teach other T.I.'s, devised to help restore your zest for life, your sense of safely, personal empowerment, all while acting respectfully regarding all parties involved. I have numerous videos available on the subject designed to give you the tools to help you get your life back, or at least make it more manageable.

This method is based on a simple rule that I discovered online. Email me for an introductory screening to determine if this sort of practical advice is right for you.

I'm also available to meet via zoom, or over the phone.

Don't give up...


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